Our flavor starts
at the place of origin
We are Laguna Brava and our essence is in the places
where our products come from and in the passion for what we do.
We select and elaborate products in the best places, to develop all the potential, aromas and flavors that nature has to offer.
The key
is in nature
Each product we elaborate and bring to your table has a common denominator: its quality is exceptional. We elaborate with fruit that grows in the best soil and climate for its development. We know how to select and treat it to get its best flavor.
Experience is on our side.
Behind Laguna Brava is the hard work and experience of the most specialized producers to bring you a high-quality product to your table.
Our passion lies
in what we do.
We love to share and enjoy good food. We like to prepare simple or sophisticated dishes, but always with a special touch. For this reason we elaborate each of our products with passion and we want you to enjoy it.

What you see is what we are.
We are transparent, we do what we know how to do best. We will always share our method, step by step.
Discover the flavors of our
traditional cuisine.
Prepared with our products, the simplest recipes
bring back dishes full of flavor.
We are proud of our awards
Award for Gran prestige gold
Award for Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Where to find us
Find your nearest point of sale where you can find Laguna Brava in Argentina